Refund Policy

Complete refund (less any fee paid to an agent)

  • The student writes a letter to the director of the program stating their intention not to participate.  The deadline is October 1 for semester one and full year tuition, and March 1 for semester 2 tuition.
  • Student is denied a study permit by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.  Proof required.
  • Student’s parents/legal guardians secures a work permit that begins on or before September 30 of the academic year and the student is attending a Study Manitoba School Division school on or before September 30 of that year

No refund of tuition fee under the following conditions:

  • The student is removed
  • Breach of homestay guidelines
  • Caught using illegal drugs or alcohol
  • Found to have a paying job
  • Driving without a driver’s licence
  • Not maintaining a full course load
  • Unauthorized travel
  • Purchasing, possessing or using firearms or other lethal weapons
  • Participating in illegal activities the student will be entitled to “Due Process”, and each step will be documented and copied to the student and to the parent/legal guardian for the above listed violation.
  • Study permit is revoked by Citizenship and Immigration Canada
  • The student’s parents/legal guardian becomes a permanent resident or refugee prior to September 30 and chooses to leave Study Manitoba School Divisions to attend school in another division.*
  • The Student’s parents/legal guardians obtain a Work permit or study permit that is valid on or before September 30 and chooses to leave Study Manitoba School Divisions to attend school in another division. *

A Partial Refund (Pro-rated and  less any fee paid to an agent) may be granted under the following conditions:

  • Death or serious injury of the student or their immediate family during the academic year that requires the student’s return to their home country. *
  • The student’s parents/legal guardians become Landed Immigrant/Permanent Resident or Refugee after September 30 of the academic year. *

*It is understood that refunds are only issued once the student has satisfied the criteria of being a grantable student of Manitoba.

Non-refundable fees

  • The $200 application fee is non-refundable
  • Medical insurance is non-refundable.

Homestay refunds

All homestay payments are generated from Study Manitoba School Divisions and mailed to the homestay family.

  • If the student leaves the program, the unused balance of the monthly payments will be refunded to the student.
  • If a student chooses and is authorized to travel, the homestay fee will not be pro-rated for the time the student is away. Full payment for the month is required.
  • In the event that a student leaves a homestay, mid-month but remains in the program and the homestay fee has been paid for the whole month and the move is initiated by the International Student Program, the staff may collect the unused portion(less any outstanding debts) of the homestay payment from the family to be used to pay the new homestay family.
  • In the event that a student leaves a homestay mid-month, the move is initiated by the student or necessitated by the student’s behaviour, the student will be required to pay the fee for the current month plus the fee to be paid to the new homestay family for the balance of the month.



The students and staff of Carberry Collegiate are always excited to have International Students attend our school.  The opportunity to help students learn about our language, community and culture benefits both the International Students and the students at Carberry Collegiate.  Many friendships have been established and maintained through International Program and we hope to continue ...

Bruce McCallum
Principal | Carberry Collegiate